This will be short. Same story, different month... so many recipes, so little time. However, this recipe was too amazing not to post as soon as possible. Combine that with football playoffs and you really can't go wrong. Whether you make these for nachos, pizza, or just eat it plain, any way you choose, there is no way you won't enjoy!
Steak Bomb Topping
- 1 lb shaved steak
- 1 pepper, chopped
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 2 cups chopped raw spinach
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1 tbsp soy sauce
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp onion powder
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Pepperoni (optional topping)
- Tortilla chips, pizza crust, or nothing
If making nachos or pizza:
- Shredded mozzerella
- 2 slices American Cheese
Heat the butter in a pan with the onions and peppers, mix until beginning to soften. Then add the steak and spices except the soy sauce. Continue to mix and separate meat into small bits. Once there is only a small amount of pink left add the soy sauce and spinach, mix for one minute, and turn off heat.
Last comes the mozzerella, amount to your discretion. Place in the oven at 450 until cheese is melted.
Take out and try to let cool before you eat!
*this has been an R&E original
When's the game? Are you planning to make this when you come home for skiing?? Lu ya